米兰信封花盒 + LED 灯饰
Letter Floral Bloom Box + Led Lightning
给母亲的一封信 “妈妈,辛苦您了”

A Piece of letter for Mama, Best Mother’s Day and Show Her How Much You Care.
-We reserve the right to change the product(colors/design) if any damage/out of stock occurs.
-Replacement by same value item would be made.
#MilanFloristSmallFlowerBox #MilanFloristBirthdayGift #MilanFloristGrandOpeningGift #MilanFloristWeddingGift #MilanFloristAnniversaryGift #MilanFloristOpeningCeremonyGift
after place order of Opening Floral Stand please do not hesitate to contact us 016-7677027/ 016-7704487 thank you.
Johor Bahru Florist 新山花店: 25, Austin Height 8/8, Mount Austin, 81100 新山花店
Johor Bahru Florist Facebook
Skudai Florist Facebook
米兰花屋 Milan Florist
☎ 016-7677027/ 014-6087027 /016-7704487
? milanflorist.com.my
#ILoveMilanFlorist #MilanFlorist #米兰花屋 #MilanFloristFansClub