✨米兰玫瑰花束 Milan Roses Bouquet✨
-9 朵星空蓝玫瑰 Galaxy Blue Roses🌠🌠🌟
‘Heaven is a place on earth with you.’
I will always love you .

我想说的话, 很多时候都不知道怎么表达,
爱总是藏在眼睛里, 感谢上天让我遇见你, 与你相遇本身就是一件很浪漫的事 ˗ˏˋ♡ˎˊ˗ ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ
米兰520情人节花束 已开放预订
Pre-Order Milan Valentine’s Day Bouquet.
米兰专属设计|香皂玫瑰2024款 |精致时尚|情人节花束
Milan Forever Rose Floral Bouquet
提供邮寄 信誉保证

♡米兰与你有相遇. 皆是浪漫

♡ ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ
亲爱的朋友们,因临近几个星期就是情人节了!下单前请先联系我们查询花材是否还有 https://wa.me/60167677027,我们的客服小姐姐们会耐心帮您查询,
Hi Dear friend, more 2 week are Valentines day, Please contact us to check the available of the Flower bouquet before make the order and payment, thank you. https://wa.me/60167677027
Please kindly Whatapp us https://wa.me/60167677027 after placing order on website, our customer services with update you the information and delivery
米兰 情人节2.14 Valentine’s Day 2.14
“天地之间~ 唯你是心上来客。”
1- You are my only one, 只把温柔和例外留给我喜欢的人(那就是你)
2- 我要的不多只要你,我有的不多全给你
3- 阳光和你同在,你就是我想要的未来
4- 世界很大,幸福很小,有你在,都刚刚好
5- 目光所及都是你,亿万星辰不及你
6- 做你的小朋友,在你身后在你左右
7- 谢谢你撑到我找到你
8- 欲望本该像野马,可我只想要你
9- 慢慢来,谁不是翻山越岭的去爱
10- 山河远阔,人间烟火,无一是你,无一不是你
11- 这世界就是个巨大的娃娃机我站在橱窗旁边,只想要你
12- 你做我的盖世英雄
13- 没有什么日子需要赋予特殊意义我时时爱你
14- 没有什么日子需要赋予特殊意义 我时时刻刻爱你 不需要在某个节点才袒露心意 但如果你想听 我爱你
15- 做你的小朋友 在你身后 在你左右
16- 目光所及都是你 亿万星辰不及你
17- 夏日的遗憾一定会被花朵融化
18- 想漫步在夕阳下想去海边吹吹风
19- 我喜欢的人,有光而不耀,与光同行
20- 花总是会开,我总会在你身边
21- 我开始对你有意思了,所以我想送你一束花一束不张扬的向日葵
22- 像晚风轻轻吹动月牙,你悄悄撼动我的心,这温吞世俗人间烟火只有你是我的江河湖泊
23- 想念你的时候呀路过的每一处风景都是心动的感觉
24- 我就知道你会踩我雷区, 所以我提前把炸弹都换成了满天星
25- 我喜欢红玫瑰的热烈喜欢粉玫瑰的柔美
26- 月亮很亮,鲜花很美但都抵不过你的微笑我的宝,情人节快乐!
27- 宝,今天情人节
28- 风行过万里,月沉过海底
29- 星河黯然月无光,细雨长夜梦更长谁人识得相思苦,悠悠桥头问牛郎
30- 婵娟星河,华灯初上良辰美景,愿岁月如初
- I can’t stop thinking about you.
- You’ll always be my girl.
- Since the day I met you, my lifehas never been the same.
- You’re kinda, maybe a little, sorta, pretty much always on my mind.
- I would follow you anywhere.
- When I’m with you, everything feels right.
- I’ll keep loving you until the day I die…and even after that, if possible.
- When I’m with you, nothing else matters.
- Do you have any idea how much I adore you?
- All love is sweet, but ours is the sweetest.
- Because you’re in my life, I know true love exists.
- You bring out the best in me.
- I love you today. I will love you tomorrow. And I’ll keep on loving you every day after that, too.
- I can’t believe a girl like you exists and that I’m lucky enough to have found her.
- “To me, you are perfect.” —Love Actually
- Know that no matter where life takes us, you will always be the only one for me.
- My favorite part of every day is the time I get to spend with you.
- When others talk about their greatest achievements and things they are most proud of, the only thing that comes to mind is you.
Johor Bahru Florist 新山花店: 25, Austin Height 8/8, Mount Austin, 81100 新山花店
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