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SKU: MFCWFS005-1-1

Milan Funeral Condolences Wreath Floral Stand (Big) 米兰大型往生花圈 015



Milan Funeral Condolences Wreath Floral Stand (Big) 米兰大型往生花圈

3 box
light blue & white theme
Funeral Condolences Wreath Floral Stand Condolences Wreath
往生花圈 白事花圈 新款花圈  送至亲好友,
长辈最后一程 大型花圈 加长花圈


-We reserve the right to change the product(colors/design) if any damage/out of stock occurs.
-Replacement by same value item would be made.


#MilanFuneralCondolencesWreathFloralStand #MilanFloristBirthdayGift #MilanFloristGrandOpeningGift #MilanFloristWeddingGift #MilanFloristAnniversaryGift #MilanFloristOpeningCeremonyGift #永生花 #永生花玻璃花盅 #永生花玻璃花艺

after place order of Opening Floral Stand please do not hesitate to contact us 016-7677027/ 016-7704487 thank you.

Johor Bahru Florist 新山花店: 25, Austin Height 8/8, Mount Austin, 81100 新山花店

Johor Bahru Florist Facebook

Skudai Florist Facebook

米兰花屋 Milan Florist
 016-7677027/ 014-6087027 /016-7704487

#ILoveMilanFlorist #MilanFlorist #米兰花屋 #MilanFloristFansClub

Product Information

Milan Funeral Condolences Wreath Floral Stand (Big) 米兰 大型 往生花圈

Funeral  Floral Stand (Giant) are Unique design from Milan Florist

after place order of Funeral Floral Stand please do not hesitate to contact us 016-7677027/ 016-7704487 thank you.

Johor Bahru Florist 新山花店: 25, Austin Height 8/8, Mount Austin, 81100 新山花店


Johor Bahru Florist Facebook

Skudai Florist Facebook

Additional information

Flower Color

Red, Blue, White, Pink, Purple, Yellow, Orange

Wrapping Color

Red, Pink, White, Silver, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, Gold, Grey


Original Size As Picture (跟回照片), Double Size (双倍), Triple Size (三倍)


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