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Milan Modern Fortune Cat/ Prosperous Cat/ Lucky Cat Floral Bouquet 米兰 时尚 招财猫花盒 / 花筒 / 花篮 32


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Milan Fortune Cat Flower Arrangement 米兰招财猫桌面花置


Milan Signature Fortune Cat / Prosperous Cat Floral Box ❣️?
今天跟大家分享米兰最新的招财猫花艺 ? 最新年宵花
米兰 十大招财猫 祝福您————>
? 金玉满堂 ? 万事亨通 ? 春暖花开
? 迎春接福 ? 福气安康 ? 吉祥如意
? 欣欣向荣 ? 心想事成 ? 幸福美满
? 前程似锦
摆放在柜台/ 客厅 很出众哦 ??,高贵大方,简单得体.
时尚可爱的招财猫, 摆在店里,放在家里摆设,开张,家具装饰,开幕,搬迁,都是非常适合?? 开张花篮/开幕花篮/ 开业花篮
好朋友/兄弟/姐妹/顾客/亲戚,创业,开分行送上米兰的招财猫设计放在柜台上,祝福对方生意兴隆?红红火火? 献上最真诚的祝福

-We reserve the right to change the product(colors/design) if out of stock occurs.
-Replacement by same value item would be made.


#Milan Fortune Cat Flower Arrangement #MilanFloristBirthdayGift #MilanFloristGrandOpeningGift #MilanFloristWeddingGift #MilanFloristAnniversaryGift #MilanFloristOpeningCeremonyGift


after place order please do not hesitate to contact us 016-7677027/ 016-7704487 thank you.

Johor Bahru Florist 新山花店: 25, Austin Height 8/8, Mount Austin, 81100 新山花店

Johor Bahru Florist Facebook

Skudai Florist Facebook

米兰花屋 Milan Florist
 016-7677027/ 014-6087027 /016-7704487

#ILoveMilanFlorist #MilanFlorist #米兰花屋 #MilanFloristFansClub

Product Information

Milan Modern Fortune Cat Floral Bouquet 米兰 时尚 招财猫花盒 / 花筒 / 花篮 Unique design from Milan Florist

after place order please do not hesitate to contact us 016-7677027/ 016-7704487 thank you.

Johor Bahru Florist 新山花店: 25, Austin Height 8/8, Mount Austin, 81100 新山花店

Skudai Florist 士姑来花店: 29, Pendekar 15, Ungku Tun Aminah, 81300 士姑来花店

special gift for shop opening flower

Johor Bahru Florist Facebook

Skudai Florist Facebook

Additional information

Flower Color

Red, Blue, White, Pink, Purple, Yellow, Orange

Wrapping Color

Red, Pink, White, Silver, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, Gold, Grey


Original Size As Picture (跟回照片), Double Size (双倍), Triple Size (三倍)


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