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Milan Money Bouquet 米兰钞票花束 003



Milan Florist Money Bouquet 米兰钞票花束

-现金Cash RM520

-52张/pcs 钞票Money
(52张/pcs RM10)


-Milan Florist 520 Money Bouquet with Pink & White Baby Breath + Black Korea Style Wrapping. (52 Notes RM10 = RM520)

52 Notes x RM10 = RM520


礼物想送花束却不知道对方喜欢什么花?  那就别在犹豫了,赶紧入手一束我们的钞票花束吧!因为这是一款不管男女老少都爱不释手的花束哦! 绝对是让对方惊喜满满的花束。


-We reserve the right to change the product(colors/design) if any damage/out of stock occurs.
-Replacement by same value item would be made.


#MilanFloristMoneyBouquet #MilanFloristBirthdayGift #MilanFloristGrandOpeningGift #MilanFloristWeddingGift #MilanFloristAnniversaryGift #MilanFloristOpeningCeremonyGift


After place order of Opening Floral Stand please do not hesitate to contact us 016-7677027/ 016-7704487 thank you.

Johor Bahru Florist 新山花店: 25, Austin Height 8/8, Mount Austin, 81100 新山花店

Johor Bahru Florist Facebook

Skudai Florist Facebook

米兰花屋 Milan Florist
 016-7677027/ 014-6087027 /016-7704487

#ILoveMilanFlorist #MilanFlorist #米兰花屋 #MilanFloristFansClub

Product Information

 Milan Money Bouquet 米兰钞票花束


-Milan Florist Money Bouquet with Delicate Money Roses

-We reserve the right to change the product(colors/design) if any damage/out of stock occurs.
-Replacement by same value item would be made.

#MilanFloristMoneyBouquet #MilanFloristBirthdayGift #MilanFloristProsperousCat#MilanFloristGrandOpeningGift #MilanFloristWeddingGift #MilanFloristAnniversaryGift #MilanFloristOpeningCeremonyGift

#米兰花屋 Milan Florist
☎ 016-7677027/ 014-6087027 /016-7704487


after place order of Opening Floral Stand please do not hesitate to contact us 016-7677027/ 016-7704487 thank you.

Johor Bahru Florist 新山花店: 25, Austin Height 8/8, Mount Austin, 81100 新山花店

Johor Bahru Florist Facebook

Skudai Florist Facebook

Additional information

Flower Color

Red, Blue, White, Pink, Purple, Yellow, Orange

Wrapping Color

Red, Pink, White, Silver, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, Gold, Grey


Original Size As Picture (跟回照片), Double Size (双倍), Triple Size (三倍)


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